Skatepark "The Cradle" Brixlegg...
"The Cradle Skatepark" in Brixlegg is an impressive skatepark that is roughly divided into three large areas. You can find the skate park between Brixlegg and Rattenberg. A great bowling landscape and an exciting street area await you here. The skate park is the ideal place to improve your skating skills and experience unforgettable skate sessions with friends - unlimited skating – you are on top of the world!
Opening hours
For opening times please see the Cradle Skatepark Facebook page.
Price information
Admission: € 2,00
Free admission for girls!
Voluntary donations are also most welcome!
The Cradle Skatepark
Fabio Rieser
Innsbruckerstraße 54
6230 Brixlegg
Fabio Rieser
Innsbruckerstraße 54
6230 Brixlegg