• Open today

Rattenberger Töpferladen

Pottery art in Rattenberg: individual ceramics, utensils, decorative items, commissioned work, unique gifts.

Rattenberger Töpferladen Arbeit | © Rattenberger Töpferladen

Each piece is created from in-house designs and embodies skilled craftsmanship. The range covers a wide scope, including daily utensils such as cups, plates and bowls, as well as works of art such as busts, portraits and wall decorations. Cachepots and plant receptacles bring plants to life, while watering and floating globes and lanterns create a magical atmosphere. The collection also includes artfully designed crosses with different patterns and colours. The pottery is perfect for decoration and as unique gifts. The pottery shop is happy to take individual orders, including personal family coat of arms and to fulfil customers' wishes in a captivating way.

  • Crockery for everyday - cups, plates, bowls and more
  • Busts and portraits
  • Cache pots and planters
  • Garden balls, floating balls and laterns
  • A choice of crosses various colours and designs
  • Wall decorations
  • Individual small ceramics decorations and gift items
  • Commissioned work - personal & individual, e.g. family coat of arms 
Opening hours
19/06/2022 - 19/06/2025
10:00 - 17:00
19/06/2022 - 19/06/2025
monday - friday
10:00 - 18:00
Rattenberger Töpferladen Tirol
Michael Borkes
Inngasse 53
6240 Rattenberg